Improving Maputo's Urban Mobility with Agoo.

Maputo has faced commuting issues for a long time. Improving the public transport system and roads is seen as the best solution. However, Agoo is exploring ways to maximize existing resources through design and tech, so that we can do more with what we already have.

01.The problem

Commuting in Maputo is hard despite personal cars being in the rise. This leads to the paradox: overloaded public transports and empty seats in personal cars.

02. the solution

Agoo enables users to plan, share, and find affordable rides with confidence. Users can enjoy rewards and stay in control of their privacy. It's efficient chat system makes coordination hassle-free.

03. Strategy

I researched and talked to others to find a solution. After discovering many shared the pain, I set out to make commuting easier and more affordable.

04. Research INSIGHTS

What factors do the target users consider when making decisions about their commuting options? After a thorough research, here's what I found...

Safety First

Safety is a top concern for users of carpool apps as they are entrusting their well-being to strangers.

Time & Costs

People care about commute costs because it directly affects their finances and overall quality of life.


When users share a ride with a stranger, they need to be able to trust the other person.

Comfort and Humanism

People care about these because they want to feel relaxed, safe, and respected during their daily travels.

Traffic Jams & Parking

People care about these because they can lead to delays, frustration, and additional costs.


They want to connect with others, build relationships, and alleviate boredom durign commute.


They want to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Flexibility & Convenience

they want to have control over their time and a transportation option that  fits their individual  preferences.

05. the problem statemnet

Commuting is taxing: physically, mentally, and to the environment. There is a need for a better and more sustainable mode of transportation.

06. brainstorming Solutions

Out of the possible solutions to this problem, here are some that stood out and the thought process.

Rejected Solution - Why?

Additionally, maintaining a larger fleet also requires increased maintenance costs, hiring and training of additional personnel, and finding suitable storage and parking spaces
Budget Constraints & Resources.
Lack of Available Spaces.
Bureaucratic and Political Obstacles.
Maintenance and Personnel Costs

Rejected Solution - Why?

Carpool apps are relatively easy to implement because they often use existing technology such as GPS, maps, and messaging platforms, which are readily available and widely used.
Bureaucratic and Political Obstacles.
Operational & Logistical Challenges
Budget & Resources Limitations
Significant staff Investment.

Rejected Solution - Why?

Poor Public transportation makes commute in Maputo hard. However the personal cars fleet in Maputo is huge. This leads to the paradox: Build a system that would better utilize the available resources
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Choosen Solution - Why?

Poor Public transportation makes commute in Maputo hard. However the personal cars fleet in Maputo is huge. This leads to the paradox: Build a system that would better utilize the available resources
Quicker and with lesser bureaucracies.
Smaller Investment & Infrastructure.
Leverages existing resources
People are eager to use carpool apps.
07. Sketches & wireframes

Out of the possible solutions to the problem, here are some that stood out and the thought process.

The design system had components and guidelines for colors, typography, layout, and more. It was essential in ensuring a seamless and delightful experience for our users.

09. Meet the Agoo - the app

Goodbye to the hassles of commute. Ride safely and conveniently with like-minded folks, save money and the planet.

A. onboarding & signup
B.FInd company

Plan Commutes with Ease and Confidence

From the moment they open the app or interact with the platform, users should know what the app is about and see what value it can bring to their lives.

Help users plan commutes with Confidence
Share rides and Get Paid
Frequent User Program payments
D. youe rides. your people

Share Rides, Get Paid and No More Riding Solo.

From the moment they open the app or interact with the platform, users should know what the app is about and see what value it can bring to their lives.

Help users plan commutes with Confidence
Share rides and Get Paid
Frequent User Program
e. review system
F.FInd who’s riding your way

Do Your Part. Make Real Impact. With Real Results

From the moment they open the app or interact with the platform, users should know what the app is about and see what value it can bring to their lives.

Help users plan commutes with Confidence
Share rides and Get Paid
Frequent User Program
10.In Conclusion...

Challenges, Lessons & Next Steps.

Challenges Faced.

As this was one of my initial projects, I faced challenges in identifying the optimal design process that aligned with my work style. With no actual client, adhering to the project schedule became a daunting task.

Lessons Learned.

I have come to learn that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to the design process. It is crucial to adapt and tailor existing frameworks to find a process that best suits the project's needs. Additionally, working without a specific timeline can often lead to project delays and inefficiencies. One of the most valuable lessons I have learned is to always define the problem and the target audience before diving into the design phase. This ensures that the design solution is both effective and purposeful.

Next Steps.

Although this project has reached the minimum viable product (MVP) stage, there is still a significant amount of testing and iteration required. Furthermore, if the concept resonates with someone, there may be an opportunity to bring it to life and make commuting more enjoyable and effortless.

Next project

E-learning we Know, More Inclusive.